Image by Elisa Vireca
Next meeting will be Wednesday, 9 April 2025 at 20:00
Come and join us at our next Viewfinders club meeting. It will be held at the Swedish church, 35 Avenue des Gaulois, 1040 Brussels, The meeting will also be streamed live via Zoom, but only to paid-up members.
We will have a TTT on backup strategies, presented by Alun Foster.
The main event of the meeting will be the second of this season's members’ challenges, on the theme of “Song titles”. Inspiration and rules have been distributed by e-mail.
The submitted photos will be “judged” by David Vannucci, a Belgian concert, festival and tour photographer based in Brussels and Lisbon, who was our guest speaker at the September 2024 Viewfinders meeting.
This will certainly be another interesting evening, an opportunity to meet fellow photographers and, hopefully, to be inspired to go out and make photos.
Looking forward to seeing you at the club meeting.
Joaquim, Secretary

Recent News and Updates
New exhibition "Collective" happening at BCW.
Photo walk to the Brussels "Bright" festival Feb 15th.
New club Collective exhibition coming soon. More info here.
Graffiti Art Photo Walk at Marius Renard -Anderlecht on Sunday, 8 December.
The club celebrates its 30th Anniversary !!
Night Photowalk to European Quarter on Thursday, 21 November.
Compact Camera photowalk on Sunday 3 November.
Photowalk to Charleroi along a section of the 'Boucle Noir' announced for 6 October.
Agenda of activities for season 2024-2025 was published. See Calendar.
Added a new page with photos from the RPS-Viewfinders Weekend Wonder Walk.
New photo albums from last season's Projects and Challenges have been added on the website.
Photowalk at the 8th annual BXL Tour on Sunday, June 16th (Bloomsday)!
Viewfinders and RPS-Benelux photo walks in Brussels, 18-20 May 2024.
New web page published with details of the recent Minimal exhibition. Go here.
Viewfinders featured on Bruzz TV. Link is further down in the Home page.
Worshop on ICM (Intentional Camera Movement) by Charlotte Bellamy organized in April 2024
Our last meeting was....
March 2025
We had a TTT on cyanotype, presented by Sabine Posdziech. Cyanotype is a photographic printing method that produces monochrome, blue-coloured prints on different supports, being sensitive to ultraviolet and blue light spectrum.
The main event of the meeting was our guest speaker of the evening, Elke Pannier. Elke is a Belgian photographer and a photo editor in the Flemish daily newspaper De Standaard. She taled about her work as a photo editor and presented her latest personal project, “Heartland”. This is a documentary project about the borders of the Dutch Bible Belt, an area straddling between tradition and innovation.
Some of Elke’s work, including this ongoing project, can be seen on her Instagram:
February 2025
Photo project “Photos in the style of…”
Nine club members submitted photos done “in the style of…” for the annual photo project, presenting photos inspired by the work of other photographers or of painters.
These were a very interesting set, showing how photographers can be influenced by art works they see, either intentionally or simply as part of their cultural background that influences what and how they photograph and/or develop their images.
The main event was our guest speaker, Nick Hannes. Nick has already presented his work to Viewfinders a few years ago but has recently published a new book, “New Capital”. In his own words, this book “shows how utopia and dystopia are sometimes surprisingly closely related”.
The objective of this project was to show 6 cities, built since the 1960s or still being built, designed to be the new national capitals. The cities covered in the project were the New Administrative Capital (NAC) in Egypt, Brasilia in Brazil, Abuja in Nigeria, Astana in Kazakhstan, Sejong in South Korea and Nusantara in Indonesia.
His photos show both the architecture of the new cities, generally intended to glorify the political regime of the countries, the people who build the cities and those who live or work in them. They should be seen as a kind of “social critique” on the concept of new capitals, reflecting the different social and geographical conditions and different political regimes under which they are built.
Nick’s work and information on his books, including “New Capital”, can be found on his website, An exhibition of his work on the “New Capital” project is ongoing until 30 March, in the Cultuurcentrum Ter Dilft, in Bornem, about 50 km from Brussels.
Joaquim Capitao
Follow here other upcoming activities and monthly meetings organized by the club. Many are for members only.
If you would like to know more about joining the club or a particular activity, contact us.